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研究生英文姓名:Fang-kuei Liu
英文論文名稱:A Study on Relationships among Junior High School Students’ Personality Traits, Irrational Beliefs, and Well-being.
英文關鍵字:junior high school students, personality traits, irrational beliefs, well-being
  • 推薦推薦:1
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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The main purposes of this study are to understand the current situation of junior high school students’ personality traits, irrational beliefs, and well-being and to analyze their differences in personal variables. Furthermore, it explores the relationship among personality traits, irrational beliefs, and well-being. Finally, it assesses the proper fit of the structural model among junior high students’ personality traits, irrational beliefs, and well-being. To achieve the purposes, this study adopts a questionnaire survey. The samples were 1,200 students selected from 100 junior high schools in Taiwan, and 989of the distributed copies were returned as valid. The return rate was 82.42%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, chi-square test, multivariate analysis of variance, and structural equation model, are conducted to analyze the data collected. The conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. Regarding to the personality, junior high school students have highest scores on agreeableness and the lowest scores on neuroticism. There are significant differences in different dimensions of personality in terms of students’ gender, age, friends, and academic achievement. However, there are no significant differences in different dimensions of personality in terms of siblings and family situation.
2. Regarding to the irrational thinking, junior high school students have highest scores on interpersonal harmony and retard. There are significant differences in different dimensions of irrational thinking in terms of students’ gender, age, friends, and academic achievement. However, there are no significant differences in different dimensions of irrational thinking in terms of siblings and family situation.
3. Regarding to the well-being, junior high school students have the highest scores on agreeableness and the lowest scores on self-acceptance. There are significant differences in different dimensions of well-being in terms of students’ gender, age, friends, academic achievement, and family situation. However, there are no significant differences in different dimensions of well-being in terms of siblings.
4. The assessment of proper fit is supported in a structural equation model among junior high school students’ personality, irrational thinking and well-being. It can explain the relationships of the above three main variables.
5. There are significant and direct effects between personality and well-being.
6. There are significant and direct effects between irrational thinking and personality.
7. There are significant and direct effects between irrational thinking and well-being.
8. Personality and irrational thinking have significant total effects on well-being.
Based on the above conclusions, the suggestions and references are proposed for family, education authorities, school guidance and counseling, and the future research.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 待答問題
第三節 重要名詞釋義
第四節 研究範圍與限制
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 人格特質理論與相關研究
第二節 非理性信念理論與相關研究
第三節 幸福感理論與相關研究
第四節 人格特質、非理性信念與幸福感理論模式
第三章 研究設計與方法
第一節 研究架構
第二節 研究假設
第三節 研究對象
第四節 實施程序
第五節 統計方法
第六節 研究工具
第四章 結果分析與討論
第一節 基本背景資料分析
第二節 國中學生人格特質之分析與討論
第三節 國中學生非理性信念之分析與討論
第四節 國中學生幸福感之分析與討論
第五節 國中學生人格特質、非理性信念與幸福感變項相關之分析與討論
第六節 人格特質、非理性信念與幸福感結構模式分析與討論
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
附錄一 抽取學校與人數
附錄二 預試量表
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