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研究生英文姓名:Hsiu-Fen Ko
英文論文名稱:The Reliability and Validity of The Chinese Version of Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale-39
英文關鍵字:StrokeAphasiaQuality of LifeSAQOL-39
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健康相關生活品質在健康照護療育及服務上漸受重視,The stroke and aphasia quality of life scale-39 (SAQOL-39)是英國學者Hilari等人專為失語症患者設計的一份生活品質評估量表,有鑑於國內缺乏一份適用於評量失語症患者生活品質之量表,因此,本研究旨在將SAQOL-39中文化,建立一份「中風失語症生活品質量表中文版(SAQOL-C)」,並檢視其信度與效度。SAQOL-39的中文化,係參考MAPI協會建議之「標準語言確認程序」來進行翻譯。除進行中英文互翻及專家討論外,並請六名失語症患者進行預試提供修改意見。
研究結果顯示:1.受試者多半覺得SAQOL-C的題目簡單易懂、內容適合,填答時間不長,顯示此量表可被國內失語者患者普遍接受。2.本量表有良好的內部一致性信度,SAQOL-C全量表的Cronbach’s α值為.93,各分量表之Cronbach’s α值範圍為.73~.92。3.再測信度方面,全量表的ICC值為.86,各分量表的ICC範圍為.52~.84,除能量範疇外,有很好的再測信度。4.以內部一致性方法分析建構效度之結果,除第22題外,全部題項皆與總分為中高度相關 (r=.355~.732),題項刪除後的Cronbach's α係數值範圍落在.925~.93之間。另外,分量表彼此之間呈現中等相關(.42~.60),分量表與全量表之間為高度相關(.68~.84)。5.以MTMM方法分析建構效度之結果,在生理、溝通、心理社交以及能量等四個範疇皆呈現不錯的輻合效度 (r=.371-.409, r=.383-.497, r=.435-.599, r=.366-.401),在區別效度部分,除了心理社交範疇外,生理、溝通以及能量皆呈現良好的區別效度 (r=.299, r=.169-.235, r=.110-.193)。6.以WHOQOL-BREF全量表及其綜合自我評估部分為效標進行效標關連效度分析,結果Spearman’s rho分別為.511和.505,達顯著相關。
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measures are becoming increasingly popular in evaluating health care interventions and services. The stroke and aphasia quality of life scale-39 (SAQOL-39) is an English questionnaire that measures HRQOL in people with aphasia. Because there is currently no measure to assess the HRQOL of Chinese-speaking people with aphasia, so the purpose of this study is to develop the Chinese version of SAQOL-39 (SAQOL-C) and to test its reliability and validity. We followed the ‘standard linguistic validation process’ of MAPI research institute for the adatption. The process includes conceptual definitition, forward translation, backward translation, consultants’ discussion, and pilot test with 6 people with aphasia.
34 people with chronic aphasia completed the SAQOL-C and the Taiwan version of WHOQOL-BREF by interview. 21 of them were assessed by the SAQOL-C again 1-2 weeks later.
Results: (1) Most tested subjects found this measure easily comprehensible, appropriate in content, and could be finished quickly. (2) The Cronbach’s α for global scale was .93 and .73 to .92 for subscales, suggesting good internal consistency. (3) The ICC for global scale was .86 and .52 to .84 for subscales, suggesting acceptable test-retest reliability. (4) Internal consistency analysis and MTMM analysis were done for examination of construct validity. The result showed good correlations between individual items and the total scale (r=.355 to .732) except the item 22 (r=.298). The range of Cronbach’s α was .925 to .93. The correlations between subscales were .42 to .60, and the correlations between subscales and global scale were .68 to .84. The four subscales showed good convergent validity with the WHOQOL domains. There was also good discriminant validity except the psychosocial subscale. (6) Good criterion-related validity was also noted when comparing the scores of SAQOL-C and the total scores of the Taiwan version of WHOQOL-BREF and its summary subscale (Spearman’s rho = .511 and .505).
Conclusions: The Chinese version of SAQOL-39 is a reliable and valid measure of HRQOL in people with aphasia. This will be useful for clinic or cross-cultural study in the future.
致謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目次 IV
表目次 V
圖目次 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 名詞釋義 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 健康相關生活品質簡介 6
第二節 失語症健康相關生活品質量表的發展 16
第三節 量表的信度與效度 29
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 中文化過程 38
第二節 信度與效度測試 49
第三節 資料分析 54
第四章 研究結果 57
第一節 研究對象之基本屬性 57
第二節 SAQOL-39中文化及預試結果 61
第三節 SAQOL-39中文版的信度 66
第四節 SAQOL-39中文版的效度 68
第五章 討論 74
第一節 「中風失語症生活品質量表(SAQOL-39)中文版」的中文化 74
第二節 「中風失語症生活品質量表(SAQOL-39)中文版」的信度 77
第三節 「中風失語症生活品質量表(SAQOL-39)中文版」的效度 81
第六章 結論與建議 87
第一節 結論 87
第二節 研究限制與建議 89
參考文獻 94

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