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研究生英文姓名:Yu-Jung, Tung
英文論文名稱:Teaching Reading Strategies to Fifth Graders in Taiwan: The Application and Difficulty of Using TSI Model
英文關鍵字:Reading strategy instructionTransactional Strategy Instruction
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先前有關transactional strategy instruction (TSI)策略教學模式的研究,主要是在以英語為第一語言的環境中實施,其研究結果證實了使用TSI策略教學模式對國小學童具有正面的影響。 然而,在以英語為第二語言或外語的環境中,卻沒有TSI策略教學模式的相關研究。 因此,本研究主要的目的,在於探討如何將TSI策略教學模式應用並加以調整,落實在以英語為外語的教室裡,以及探討研究者可能面臨的挑戰和此教學模式對以英語為外語的學童之影響。 本研究之參與者為一位研究者兼教師及八位五年級學童。 資料收集的方法包括參與觀察,訪談,課堂師生對話錄音檔,學童的閱讀策略學習單及相關文件,以及研究者日誌。 本研究所收集的錄音資料皆經過轉譯成文字稿,整理歸類,並加以分析,以便與其他資料比對進行三角驗證。 研究結果呈現研究者如何實施TSI策略教學模式,以及在教材,教學活動及老師語言使用和回饋方面如何作調整。 在實施的過程中,研究者面臨的困難包括學生的出席狀況,閱讀策略活動安排,挑選英文繪本,鷹架學習,以及分組等方面的問題。 然而,研究結果顯示,參加的學童在接受TSI策略教學模式的課程後,在以下五方面有正面影響:一、英文學習興趣,二、閱讀英文故事書的動機,三、閱讀策略的認識,四、閱讀時學生對英文讀本之提問型態,五、英文閱讀理解能力。 研究發現,TSI策略教學模式應用在以英文為外語的教室中之可行性,研究者並基於研究結果,提出未來研究TSI策略教學模式可進行的方向與建議。
Previous empirical studies in L1 context on transactional strategy instruction (TSI) have indicated the positive effects of using TSI on elementary school students. However, in ESL or EFL contexts, there are no relevant studies on TSI. Therefore, the aims of this study attempt to probe the implementation and modification of the research-validated TSI in the EFL classroom, the challenges that the researcher might encounter, and the changes of the EFL students’ reading behavior and attitude. One teacher researcher and eight fifth graders participated in this qualitative study. Data collection methods include participant observation, interviews, recordings of teacher-student dialogues in class, the students’ reading strategy worksheets, artifacts, and the researcher’s reflective journal. Data collected in this study were transcribed, categorized, and analyzed to triangulate the results. The findings of this study showed how the teacher researcher implemented TSI, and how she modified TSI to meet the students’ needs by adjusting teaching materials, activities, and teacher’s language use and feedback. When conducting TSI, the researcher faced several difficulties regarding the students’ attendance, reading strategy activities, selection of English picture books, scaffolding, and grouping problem. Nevertheless, the results indicated that after receiving TSI, the students made progress in five aspects: (1) interest in English learning, (2) motivation to read English storybooks, (3) reading strategy awareness, (4) question types the students could raise when reading, and (5) English reading comprehension. The findings of this study suggest the feasibility of implementing and adapting TSI in EFL classroom, and based on the findings, the researcher made recommendations for future EFL TSI research.
Overview..... 1
Motivation of the Study..3
Significance of the Study........4
Research Questions............ 5
Definition of Terms... 5
Compare TSI with Reciprocal Teaching and Direct Explanation Approach.........7
The Application and Research of Transactional Strategy Instruction……9
Theories That Support TSI....13
Cognitive Models of Theory........13
Social-Cognitive Models of Theory...15
Reader Response Theory........ 15
The Four Reading Strategies That Are Targeted at in This Study.........16
Visualizing.... 16
Making Connections.....18
Making Inference.......20
Fix-Up Strategies......22
The Effects of Reading Strategy Instruction on Reading Comprehension....24
Using Think-Alouds as An Instructional Tool....28
Picture Books............29
Chapter Summary………31
Research Design......33
Data Collection Procedures......33
Data Collection Methods......35
The Methods for Ensuring the Quality of the Research....36
The Emphasis on Research Ethics........36
The Establishment of Trustworthiness....37
The Context of the Study...........39
Descriptions of Participants and the Setting.....39
Teaching Materials..........43
Reading Strategy Training Program........44
The Role of The Researcher.......46
Data Analysis.......... 46
Chapter summary……47
TSI Implemented and Modified in the EFL Classroom……49
1. Implementation of TSI: Using Posters………………51
Modification of TSI: Using Simple English…………52
2. Implementation of TSI: Using Worksheets………………………53
a. Visualizing Worksheets…………54
Modification of TSI: Adjusting Visualizing Worksheets…55
b. Making Connection Worksheets…………56
Modification of TSI: Watching Related Films…………58
c. Making Inference Worksheets……………………………59
Modification of TSI: More Practice of Inferring…60
d. Fix-Up Strategies Worksheets ………………………61
Modification of TSI: Simplifying Worksheets and Explaining in Simple English.....62
3. Implementation of TSI: Interpretive Discussions………63
Modification of TSI: More Compliments………………66
4. Implementation of TSI: Taking Notes…………68
Modification of TSI: Using Websites……………69
Challenges of Using TSI……………………………70
The Reading Behavior and Attitude of the Students after Receiving TSI………80
Chapter Conclusion and Discussion of Major Findings ……89
Implications for Implementing TSI in EFL Elementary Classroom…97
Limitations of the Study……………100
Recommendations for Future Research in EFL Contexts…101
Final Conclusion…………………102

Appendix A. Pre-Interview Guide......................111
Appendix B. Post-Interview Guide………………………………112
Appendix C. Reading Strategy Worksheet………………………113
Appendix D. Reading Response Sheet………………………114
Appendix E. Research Participation Survey…………………115
Appendix F. Lists of English Picture Books Used in this Study..............................................116
Appendix G. Reading Strategy Posters…………………117
Appendix H. Excerpts of Students’ Visualizing Worksheet1..................................118
Appendix I. Story Wheel Worksheet………………………119
Appendix J. Berry Smoothie Worksheet……………………120
Appendix K. Juice Recipe……………………………121
Appendix L. Excerpts of Double-Entry Connection Worksheet………………122
Appendix M. Riddles…………………………………………123
Appendix N. Inferring Worksheets…………………124
Appendix O. Inferring Story Themes Worksheets……………125
Appendix P. Excerpts of Fix-Up Reading Strategies Worksheets....................................126
Appendix Q. Fix-up guideline…………………………………127
Appendix R. Revised Fix-Up Reading Strategies Worksheets…………………128
Appendix S. Excerpts of Students’ Notebooks……………129
Appendix T. Author-Introduction and Short Story Clips Websites…………………130
Appendix U. Excerpts of Reading Strategy Lyrics………131
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