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研究生英文姓名:Chang Wen-Fang
英文論文名稱:The Impact of Future Perspective and Critical Thinking for Elementary Gifted Students on Future Environmemtal Issues
英文關鍵字:Future Environmental IssuesFuture PerspectiveCritical ThinkingGifted Students
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此研究兼採質性與量化的研究法,在質性方面採觀察法、訪談法及文件蒐集,以分析資優生未來觀及批判思考能力;在量化方面是採「前實驗研究法」(pre-experimental research)之單組前後測設計(one-group pre-post test design),在實驗教學之前,以「國小學生未來觀量表」及「批判思考測驗—第一級」(Critical Thinking Test-Level I, CTT-I)作為前測,經過「未來環境議題」教學實驗後,以「國小學生未來觀量表」及「批判思考測驗—第一級」(CTT-I)作為後測,並將所得資料透過重複量數t考驗進行分析,以瞭解資優生未來觀及批判思考能力的表現。研究結果主要如下:





This study designed a set of “future environmental issue based” curriculum for elementary gifted students, applied it to the education of the elementary school fifth and sixth grade gifted students, and drafted an appropriate Future Perspective Questionnaire (FPQ) for elementary school students, in order to discuss how the curriculum influenced their future perspective and critical thinking.

This study combined both qualitative and quantitative methods. With respect to qualitative methods, participant observation, in-depth interviewing and literature review were employed to investigate gifted students’ future perspective and critical thinking abilities; one-group pre-post test design derived from pre-experimental research was adopted as a quantitative method. Prior to experimental teaching, pretests of “Future Perspective Questionnaire (FPQ) for elementary students” and “Critical Thinking Test-Level I (CTT-I)” were conducted. Upon completion of the experimental teaching of “future environmental issues, posttests of “Future Perspective Questionnaire (FPQ) for elementary students” and “Critical Thinking Test-Level I (CTT-I)” were conducted. In order to investigate the impact of experimental teaching, repeated measures t-test was conducted to analyze the data and to explore the future perspective and critical thinking of gifted students. Research findings are presented as follows:

1. The performance of future perspective
(1) Comparing the pretests and posttests, the item “connectedness” in the “Future Perspective Questionnaire (FPQ) for elementary students,” reaches statistical significance. The average score of posttests is significantly higher than that of pretests. However, it shows no significant statistical differences in “the overall score,” “value,” “perceived instrumentality,” and “affectivity” between pretests and protests.
(2) The qualitative analysis of the results in “group discussion” of elementary gifted students’ future perspective reflects similar results in “connectedness” and “affectivity” in the quantitative “Future Perspective Questionnaire (FPQ) for elementary students.” However, it requires further investigation and discussion for the results of “value” and “perceived instrumentality.”

2. The performance of critical thinking
Comparing the pretests and posttests completed by elementary gifted students, the items—“overall score” and “interpretation”—in “Critical Thinking Test-Level I (CTT-I)” reach significant statistical differences. In addition, “overall score” and “interpretation” score significantly better in posttests than in pretests. Nevertheless, “recognition of assumption,” “induction,” “deduction,” and “evaluation of argument” reveal no significant statistical differences in pretests and posttests.

3. The performance of shifting procrsses of elementary gifted students’ critical thinking abilities.
(1) In applying skills of “recognition of assumptions,” gifted students are susceptible to scenarios and strategies. Therefore, teachers need to provide sufficient guidance and employ overall considerations.
(2) This study suggests that upper grade students have a high degree of inductive abilities and can appropriately demonstrate them.
(3) The deductive skills of upper grade elementary gifted students are the most outstanding abilities. However, qualitative analysis finds that this form of ability shows significant discrepancy across phases of curriculum.
(4) In the courses, gifted students demonstrated outstanding performances in the learning of “interpretation” abilities. This result is consistent with the qualitative findings that students interpretation abilities are significantly better in posttests than in pretests.
(5) Gifted students’ application of their argument evaluation abilities have improved.

4. Upper grade elementary gifted students gave positive feedbacks about the “future environmental issue based” experimental teaching.

Based on the results of this study, the researcher proposed suggestions and recommendations for critical thinking teaching practices as well as the field of futurology research.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目 次 VII
表 次 IX
圖 次 XI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 8
第三節 待答問題與研究假設 8
第四節 名詞釋義 10
第五節 研究範圍與限制 13
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 未來學的理論基礎 15
第二節 批判思考的理論基礎 31
第三節 未來學中的批判思考能力 57
第四節 未來學的教育研究 60
第五節 資優生批判思考的教學與研究 64
第三章 研究方法 71
第一節 研究設計 71
第二節 研究對象 75
第三節 研究工具 77
第四節 研究程序 88
第五節 未來環境議題教學活動設計 93
第六節 資料處理與分析 99
第四章 結果與討論 103
第一節 未來觀的表現 103
第二節 批判思考能力的表現 121
第三節 國小資優生批判思考能力轉換歷程之表現情形 124
第四節 國小資優生對未來環境議題之學習整體評價 161
第五節 教師教學回饋與省思 174
第五章 結論與建議 181
第一節 結論 181
第二節 建議 184
參考文獻 189
中文部分 189
英文部分 197
附錄 211
附錄A:批判思考測驗—第一級使用同意書 211
附錄B:家長同意書 212
附錄C:未來環境議題教學活動設計 213
附錄D:協同研究者觀察記錄表 237
附錄E:教學省思札記 238
附錄F:學生學習札記 239
附錄G:學生回饋單 240
附錄H:訪談大綱 242
附錄I:國小學生未來觀量表—預試量表 243
附錄J:國小學生未來觀量表—正式量表 245
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