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研究生英文姓名:Yen-Chun Chou
英文論文名稱:Textbook Phonics: Does it Match Teachers’ Perspectives on Phonics Instruction?
英文關鍵字:Phonics teaching contentsTextbook designTeachers’ perspectives
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The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school English teachers’ perspectives on phonics instruction and on the phonics teaching contents of their English textbooks. Then the findings were further compared, contrasted, and inductively analyzed in order to find out, based on elementary school English teachers’ perspectives, if the design of the phonics teaching contents of their English textbooks is consistent with their perspectives on phonics instruction.
The instruments used in this study were questionnaire survey and interviews. The participants were elementary school English teachers whose schools used the same series of English textbooks from the third grade to the sixth grade. The questionnaire respondents included 174 teachers. Among the 174 respondents, six of them who held different perspectives and were willing to be interviewed were invited as interviewees.
The results of this study indicated that, in terms of their perspectives on phonics instruction:
1. Most elementary school English teachers know that the main purpose of phonics instruction is to teach letter-sound correspondences, and that phonics instruction benefits students’ ability to spell words, recognize words, pronounce sounds, read, and memorize words.
2. Most elementary school English teachers know that phonics instruction cannot completely replace K.K phonetic symbols. Phonics should be introduced at elementary phase. However, some elementary school English teachers still cannot distinguish phonics from phonetics.
3. Most elementary school English teachers’ perspectives on how phonics should be taught are in accordance with guidelines as suggested in previous research.
4. Most elementary school English teachers think that both traditional and contemporary phonics approaches should be used when teaching phonics.
5. Most elementary school English teachers think they have sufficient understanding about phonics, but some of them still want to know more about phonological awareness and how to teach phonics.
In terms of their perspectives on the design of the phonics teaching contents of English textbooks:
1. Most elementary school English teachers think that their English textbooks provide suitable teaching sequence, review sections, appropriate keywords of letter-sound correspondences, and onset and rimes.
2. Some elementary school English teachers think their English textbooks do not provide enough phonological awareness exercises; exercises in which students can apply their phonics knowledge; and review section which integrate what studemts have learned before.
To sum up, the design of the phonics teaching contents of English textbooks in general meets elementary school English teachers’ teaching needs. However, there are still a few things that need to be improved. For example, the phonics teaching contents are irrelevant to other exercises in the textbooks; there are not enough phonological awareness exercises, syllable and stress exercises, or exercises for students to read unfamiliar words and review what they have learned. Thus, English textbooks should modify the design of the phonics teaching contents according to the findings in this study in order to meet English teachers’ teaching needs.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................iv
LIST OF TABLES .................................. .viii
中文摘要 .............................................x
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ............................ 1
1.1 Background and Rationale ........................ 1
1.2 Purposes of the Study ........................... 6
1.3 Research Questions .............................. 6
1.4 Significance of the Study ....................... 7
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW ....................... 9
2.1 Phonics Instruction ............................. 9
2.1.1 Teaching contents of phonics ................. 10
2.1.2 Teaching approaches to phonics ............... 14 Traditional phonics approaches ............. 14 Contemporary phonics approaches ............ 15
2.1.3 The importance of phonics in reading.......... 17
2.1.4 Prerequisites of phonics instruction ......... 22
2.2 Arguments against Phonics Instruction .......... 25
2.2.1 Traditional phonics approaches often focus on the de-contextualized learning of sound-spelling connections without paying attention to meaning ................ 25
2.2.2 English letter-sound correspondences are not always regular ............................................ 28
2.2.3 The effectiveness of phonics instruction on EFL learners in Taiwan is uncertain .................... 29
2.3 Guidelines for Phonics Instruction ............. 31
2.3.1 Phonics instruction should build on letter knowledge which is taught in a logical sequence .............. 31
2.3.2 Phonics instruction should be taught along with phonemic awareness training ................. 31
2.3.3 Phonics instruction should be arranged in an appropriate sequence ............................... 32
2.3.4 Phonics instruction should provide appropriate keywords ........................................... 36
2.3.5 Phonics instruction should be combined with real reading ............................................ 37
2.3.6 Phonics instruction should introduce onsets and rimes .................................................... 38
2.4 English Teachers’ Perspectives on Phonics Instruction .................................................... 38
2.5 Studies on the Analysis of Elementary School English Textbook Contents in Taiwan ........................ 42
CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY .......................... 47
3.1 Research Design ................................ 47
3.2 Participants ................................... 47
3.3 Instruments .................................... 49
3.3.1 Questionnaire ................................ 49 The validity and reliability of the questionnaire .................................................... 52
3.3.2 Interview .................................... 52
3.4 Research Procedures ............................ 53
3.5 Data Analysis .................................. 55
4.1 Background Information about the Questionnaire Respondents and the Interviewees ................... 57
4.2 The Participants’ Perspectives on Phonics Instruction......................................... 61
4.2.1 The participants’ perspectives on what phonics instruction is about ............................... 61
4.2.2 The participants’ perspectives on the benefits of phonics instruction .................................76
4.2.3 The participants’ perspectives on the prerequisites of phonics instruction ............................. 79
4.2.4 The participants’ perspectives on the teaching sequence of phonics instruction .................... 88
4.2.5 The participants’ perspectives on how phonics should be taught .......................................... 98
4.2.6 The participants’ perspectives on their own understandings about phonics ...................... 114
4.3 The Participants’ Perspectives on the Phonics Teaching Contents of English Textbooks ..................... 119
4.3.1 The participants’ perspectives on the prerequisites for phonics instruction in their English textbooks ................................................... 119
4.3.2 The participants’ perspectives on the phonics teaching sequence in their English textbooks ...... 121
4.3.3 The participants’ perspectives on the how phonics are taught in their English textbooks ............. 122
4.4 The Degree of the Consistency Between Teachers’ Perspectives on Phonics Instruction and the Design of the Phonics Teaching Contents of English Textbooks .... 129
CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONS .......................... 149
5.1 Major Findings ................................ 149
5.1.1 Elementary school English teachers’ perspectives on phonics instruction ............................... 150
5.1.2 Elementary school English teachers’ perspectives on the phonics teaching contents of their English textbooks ................................................... 152
5.1.3 The degree of consistency between elementary school English teachers’ perspectives on phonics instruction and the design of the phonics teaching contents of English textbooks ......................................... 153
5.2 Pedagogical Implications ...................... 154
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions ................... 157
REFERENCES ........................................ 159
Appendix A: First Version of Questionnaire ........ 167
Appendix B: 專家效度評定問卷 ...................... 172
Appendix C: 專家評定建議 .......................... 178
Appendix D: Formal Questionnaire .................. 180
Appendix E: Interview Guide ....................... 185
Appendix F: Results of Parallel Items in the Second Part of the Questionnaire ................................. 186
Appendix G: Results of Parallel Items in the Third Part of the Questionnaire ................................. 189
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