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英文論文名稱:The Project Development and Effectiveness of Filial Art Therapy Group
英文關鍵字:Filial art therapyArt therapyParenting education groupParent-child relationshipGeometric drawing
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研究者根據研究目的,結合藝術治療與親職教育、參考McCarley之親子藝術治療模式(filial art therapy model)與Garry Landreth所創之親子遊戲治療 (filial therapy) 團體模式,發展與設計一套為期十二週、每週一次、一次2.5小時、以一般父母為對象之親子藝術治療團體方案。
This study aims to develop a set of filial art therapy group project, and explores the effect of the developed project on improving the group members’ parent-child relationship, as well as to explore the changing process of their parent-child relationship.
Combining art therapy and parenting education, and in accordance with the research purpose with reference to McCarley’s “Filial therapy group model” and Garry Landreth’s “ Filial therapy”, a filial art therapy group project with a period of 12session/week, 2.5 hr/session is developed.
This study is both qualitative and quantitative using 5 parents as the research object. The researcher served as the group leader and conducted her own project. Through the pre- and post- testing results from the analysis of self-developed projective geometric drawing assessments – “How I see myself and other family members” and “how my child sees me and other family members”, the effectiveness of this project is evaluated. Other self-developed research tool – “Geometric Drawing of Filial Psychometric” collected during the process serves to explore the changing process of the group member’s parent-child relationship. Individual member’s pre- and post- interview transcripts, member’s feedback information, and the leader’s group journal are also analyzed as in this research.
According to the result and outcome of this study, these following conclusions are obtained:
1. This filial art therapy group has successfully combined the art therapy with the parenting education to form an effective parenting education group project
This group project’s intervention in members’ parent-child and family relationships has positive effect, including: it can increase members’ self-awareness in their parent-child relationship; it can assist members in more understanding their children’s thoughts and feelings; it can adjust members’ parenting attitudes and methods for their children; it can improve members’ empathy toward their children; and increase quality and positive interaction between parents (members) and their children. In terms of family relationship, the family generation boundaries will become more clearly and the family dynamics will be more stably; in addition, the sibling relationship between some members’ children has also been improved as well. According to the abovementioned results, this group has certainly possessed the function of primary and secondary prevention.
2. This filial art therapy group has provided its members with the cognition, behavior and emotion learning in order to gradually improve their parent-child relationship.
Through the teaching of parenting knowledge and skill to members, and assisting members in implementing the filial art therapy for their target children in home to adjust their parent-child reaction and improve their parent-child relationship, this group has also integrated the art therapy into the parenting education group in order to increase members’ self-awareness. The change in members’ parent-child relationship has displayed a stage-based character: in the primary stage, this group has re-explored within conflicts; in the middle stage, it has adopted the objective and rational viewpoint to adjust the parent-child relationship; and in the later stage, its parent-child relationship has tended towards harmony, stability and unity.
At last, the research has proposed the reflection and suggestion in accordance with the result and outcome of this study to provide as the reference to the practical workers of art therapy and parenting education and the follow-up researches.
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機...........…………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………………2
第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………………3
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 親子關係…………………………………………………………5
第二節 藝術治療…………………………………………………………12
第三節 親子藝術治療……………………………………………………29
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計…………………………………………………………37
第二節 研究參與者………………………………………………………38
第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………………42
第四節 團體方案設計……………………………………………………46
第五節 研究程序…………………………………………………………53
第六節 資料的整理與分析………………………………………………58
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 親子藝術治療團體方案設計與實施……………………………61
第二節 親子藝術治療團體實施效果之分析與討論……………………77
第三節 親子藝術治療團體對成員親子關係影響之歷程分析與討論....130
第四節 成員回饋表之彙整、分析與討論………………………………162
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………….…177
第二節 研究反思與建議…………………………………………….……178


附 錄

附錄一 親子藝術治療團體半結構訪談大綱..................................................195
附錄二 親子藝術治療紀錄表………………………………………………..196
附錄三 孩子在家自發性創作行為觀察紀錄表……………………………..197
附錄四 親子藝術治療團體課程回饋表……………………………………..198
附錄五 親子藝術治療團體課程總回饋表…………………………………..199
附錄六 成員團體課程作品一覽表..................................................................201
附錄七 訪談稿謄錄說明..................................................................................217
附錄八 研究同意書…………………………………………………………..218
附錄九 測驗結果評量表..................................................................................219
附錄十 親子藝術治療團體基本資料表……………………………………..221
附錄十一 親子藝術治療團體課程講義..............................................................222


圖2-2-1 表現性治療層次架構…………………………………………….…15
圖2-2-2 藝術治療團體模式圖……………………………………………….18
圖3-5-1 研究流程圖……………………………………………………….…54
圖3-5-2 團體後訪談作品陳列圖…………………………………………….55
圖4-3-1 F1親子關係間距變化圖...................................................................135
圖4-3-2 M1親子關係間距變化圖..................................................................139
圖4-3-3 M2親子關係間距變化圖..................................................................143
圖4-3-4 M3親子關係間距變化圖..................................................................147
圖4-3-5 M4親子關係間距變化圖..................................................................151
圖4-3-6 五位成員之親子關係間距變化圖.....................................................159


表2-1-1 親職教育團體方案理論根據彙整表…………………………..……10
表2-2-1 家族藝術治療衡鑑………………………………………………..…23
表2-2-2 人對色彩之感情反應與聯想………………………………………..27
表2-3-1 Landreth(1991)親子遊戲治療團體之內容摘要……………….....…35
表3-2-1 親子藝術治療團體成員及焦點孩子基本資料表…………………..40
表3-4-1 前導性團體課程設計與實施內容…………………………….….....50
表3-4-2 正式研究團體方案內容追溯一覽表………………………………..52
表4-1-1 第一次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…64
表4-1-2 第二次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…65
表4-1-3 第三次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…66
表4-1-4 第四次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…67
表4-1-5 第五次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…68
表4-1-6 第六次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…69
表4-1-7 第七次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…70
表4-1-8 第八次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…71
表4-1-9 第九次團體方案內容追溯表……………………………………..…72
表4-1-12第十二次團體方案內容追溯表………………………………… ….75
表4-2-1 兩位專家對研究者對於兩位成員「父母(成員)/孩子眼中的自己與家人」結果的描述、分析與討論之同意程度…………………………….78
表4-2-2 F1前、後測結果一覽表.......................................................................79
表4-2-3 M1前、後測結果一覽表......................................................................90
表4-2-4 M2前、後測結果一覽表......................................................................99
表4-2-5 M3前、後測結果一覽表.....................................................................110
表4-2-6 M4前、後測結果一覽表.....................................................................119
表4-3-2 F1親子關係幾何化社會計量圖總表.................................................132
表4-3-3 M1親子關係幾何化社會計量圖總表................................................138
表4-3-4 M2親子關係幾何化社會計量圖總表................................................142
表4-3-5 M3親子關係幾何化社會計量圖總表................................................146
表4-3-6 M4親子關係幾何化社會計量圖總表................................................149
表4-4-1 成員於「親子藝術治療團體課程回饋表」第一部分「我對團體的整體感受」之各次平均數…………………………………………………...163

表4-4-2 成員於「親子藝術治療團體課程回饋表」第二部分「本次團體課程讓我有收穫的是」之各次平均數............................................................164
表4-4-3 成員於「親子藝術治療團體總回饋表」之填答結果......................165
表4-4-4 「對親子關係最有幫助的主題」統整表..........................................166

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