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英文論文名稱:Temporal and spatial characteristics of two types El Niño
英文關鍵字:Eastern Pacific El NiñoCentral Pacific El Niñothemocline-SST feedback
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本研究利用哈德里氣候預報中心(Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and
Reach)及NCEP/NCAR 再分析大氣觀測資料,以及SODA (Simply Ocean Data
Assimilation)2.0.2 海洋探討1950~2010 兩類型聖嬰事件,東太平洋型聖嬰(Eastern
PacificEl Niño )與中太平洋型聖嬰(Central Pacific El Niño) ,形成、成熟到消散,大
氣環流以及海溫結構的差異。研究顯示東太平洋型聖嬰肇始時間大約發生在4 月,
中太平洋型聖嬰較晚約6 月形成,兩者皆在冬天達最大振幅,但東太平洋型聖嬰振
幅較大。之後,東太平洋型聖嬰 暖海溫快速減弱轉變冷海溫距平,中太平洋型聖
嬰仍反應中太平洋暖海溫所形成Gill-type 氣旋式環流,此差異為兩類型聖嬰在發展
The temporal and spatial characteristics of two types of El; Niño (Eastern Pacific
El Niño, EP-EL, and central Pacific El Niño, CP-EL) during 1950-2010 is explored by
analyzing HadiSST (Hadley Center Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data set),
NCEP/NCAR reanalysis atmospheric data, and SODA(Simply Ocean Data Assimilation)
oceanic data. It shows that EP-EL is initiated in approximately April, near two month
earlier than CP-EL. Both types of El Niño peak in winter, while the EP-EL has larger
amplitude in mature phase and terminates to La Nina rapidly during the decaying phase
compared with CP-EL. The noticeable difference of atmospheric circulation anomalies
between EP-EL and CP-EL is that the anticyclone in WNP (Western North Pacific) is
well established during boreal autumn for EP-EL, when the Gill-type cyclonic
circulation in response to the central Pacific warm SST anomaly is still prominence for
the CP-EL.
The longitude-height section of atmospheric circulation reveals that the Indian
Ocean and the Pacific couple tightly during the developing stage for EP-EL, however the
air-sea coupling is insignificant for CP-EL. An eastward/westward propagation of
oceanic Kelvin/ Rossby wave is clearly identified during the lifecycle of EP-EL,
suggesting that the initiation and termination of EP-EL is closely related with the
thermocline-SST feedback process. The thermocline-SST feedback process is weak for
摘要 i
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 前言 1
第一節ENSO與局部海溫的影響 1
第二節 印度洋的影響 4
第三節 不同類型的ENSO 6
第四節 研究目的 8
第二章 資料來源與研究方法 9
第一節 資料來源 9
第二節 研究方法 10
第三章 大氣及海表面資料分析比較 12
第一節 兩類型聖嬰海溫差異比較 12
第二節 兩類型聖嬰環流與降水差異比較 13
第三節 太平洋與印度洋的耦合 15
第四節 小結 17
第四章 SODA 2.0資料分析 19
第一節 海洋海表層(海水位、洋流)差異比較 19
第二節 斜溫層厚度及D20深度之比較 22
第三節 特殊個案分析 25
第五章 結論與討論 28
參考文獻 32
附表 39
附圖 43
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