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研究生英文姓名:I-Hui Kuo
英文論文名稱:The relationship among English learning beliefs, gender, and personality traits of EFL sixth graders in Kaohsiung City
英文關鍵字:English learning beliefsgenderpersonality traits
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The purpose of the present study is to investigate Taiwanese EFL elementary school students’ English learning beliefs and to examine its relationship to individual differences, including gender and personality traits. The participants were 442 Taiwanese EFL sixth graders in seventeen public elementary schools in Kaohsiung City. The instruments included Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) and Self-evaluation Scale of Children’s Personality (SESCP). The data was analyzed via a series of statistical procedures, including descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, and a Pearson’s correlation analysis. The participants’ responses to open-ended survey questions were also analyzed. The statistical results of the participants’ responses to the BALLI items show that the participants held various English learning beliefs. They had the strongest beliefs in the BALLI dimension on motivation and expectation, followed by the dimension on the nature of language learning, language learning difficulty, learning and communication strategies, and language learning aptitude. Additionally, based on the responses to the open-ended survey questions, most participants agreed that among the four skills, listening was the easiest skill and writing was the most difficult skill. Furthermore, many participants indicated that being able to communicate with native speakers fluently were the most essential, and when given the chances, they were willing to speak with native English speakers. The result of independent t-tests of each dimension of the BALLI revealed that male and female students’ English learning beliefs only differed significantly in the dimension of “motivation and expectation”. In general, female students felt more motivated to learn English well than male students. The results of Pearson correlation analysis indicate a statistically significant correlation between the participants’ English learning beliefs and personality traits. The BALLI subscale on motivation and expectation had the highest correlation with the personality trait of conscientiousness. Pedagogical implications regarding enhancing EFL elementary school students’ positive English learning beliefs are also drawn.

Chapter One Introduction.................................1
Background and Motivation ...........................1
Purpose of the Study.................................7
Research Questions ..................................8
Significance of the Study ...........................8
Definition of Terms in the Study ...................10
Chapter Two Literature Review ..........................13
Foreign Language Learning Beliefs ..................13
Research on Foreign Language Learning Beliefs.......15
Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) ..20
Research on English learning beliefs based on BALLI
in ESL/ EFL settings .............................21
Research on English learning beliefs based on
BALLI in Taiwan ..................................24
Foreign Language Learning Beliefs and Learners’
Individual Differences .............................27
Foreign language learning and gender..............29
Research on the relationship between English learning
beliefs and gender................................30
Foreign language learning and personality ........32
Research on the relationship between English learning
beliefs and personality traits....................35
Chapter Three Methodology ..............................39
Setting and Participants ...........................39
Instruments ........................................40
Data Collection Procedures .........................46
Data Analysis Procedures ...........................47
Chapter Four Results and Discussions ...................49
Taiwanese EFL Elementary School Students’ English
Learning Beliefs ...................................49
Foreign language aptitude ........................51
The difficulty of language learning ..............54
The nature of language learning...................58
Learning and communication strategies ............62
Motivation and expectation .......................66
The Difference in Students’ English Learning Beliefs
and Gender..........................................69
The Correlation between Students’ English Learning
Beliefs and Personality Traits......................72
Chapter Five Conclusions ...............................77
Summary of the Major Findings ......................77
Pedagogical Implications ...........................81
Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research ....84
References .............................................87
Appendix A .............................................101
Appendix B .............................................105
Appendix C .............................................109


Table 3.1 The Subscales of Beliefs about Language Learning
Inventory ..................................... 43
Table 3.2 The Subscales of Self-evaluation Scale of
Children’s Personality .........................45
Table 4.1 The Results of One-sample T-tests of the Overall
Language Learning Beliefs and Its Five
Table 4.2 Percentage Distribution of Agreement, Means,
Standard Deviations and One Sample T-test Results
regarding Foreign Language Aptitude ............52
Table 4.3 Percentage Distribution of Agreement, Means,
Standard Deviations and One Sample T-test Results
regarding the Difficulties of Language
Learning .......................................55
Table 4.4 Percentage Distribution of Agreement, Means,
Standard Deviations and One Sample T-test Results
regarding the Nature of Language Learning ......59
Table 4.5 Percentage Distribution of Agreement, Means,
Standard Deviations and One Sample T-test Results
regarding Learning and Communication
Strategies .....................................64
Table 4.6 Percentage Distribution of Agreement, Means,
Standard Deviations and One Sample T-test
Results regarding Motivation and Expectation....67
Table 4.7 The Results of Independent T-test for Each
Dimension in the Chinese Version of the BALLI...70
Table 4.8 The Results of Independent T-tests for Each Item
in the Dimension on Motivation and Expectation..71
Table 4.9 Correlations between the BALLI, Self-evaluation
Scale of Children’s Personality and Their

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