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英文論文名稱:Comparison of Cardiovascular Characteristics in Endurance-type and Resistance-type Athletes
英文關鍵字:endurance exerciseresistance exercisecardiovascular function
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背景和目的:許多文獻指出耐力型運動能促進心血管功能表現,而阻力型運動對於增進心血管功能則無直接的助益。目前較少研究探討運動員的身體健康管理議題,尤其是心血管健康方面,運動員在年輕時常忽略自己的健康管理,且有部分運動員會有血壓過高的現象,因此本研究目的主要探討耐力型和阻力型運動員與一般人(非運動員)之休息時和運動狀態的心血管特性,希望對運動員的健康管理和運動表現有所助益。方法:本研究受試者取樣為17至22歲耐力型和阻力型運動員共24人,一般控制組10人,皆為男性,研究組別分為三組:耐力型運動員為游泳選手(n=12),皆是長距離選手,而阻力型為舉重選手(n=12),量級為56至77公斤級別,一般控制組則為無進行運動訓練的健康男性(n=10)。實驗過程中,所有受試者需於休息和運動狀態分別進行心跳、血壓、最大攝氧量、心跳變異率和動脈血管硬化指數等量測,檢測結束後進行三組之分析比較。結果:三組統計分析後發現,在基本資料方面,耐力型和阻力型運動員的體脂肪和骨密度與控制組相比達顯著差異(p<0.05)。在休息狀態下,二組運動員心跳較控制組為低 (p<0.05),血壓在三組間無顯著差異,但阻力型運動員的動脈血管硬化指數則顯著高於其他兩組(p<0.05),而耐力型運動員全部心跳間期平均值相較於阻力型則有較高的趨勢。在運動狀態下,耐力型運動員的最大攝氧量和運動耗竭時間都顯著高於阻力型運動員和控制組(p<0.05)。結論:本研究發現耐力型與阻力型運動員有部分不同之心血管特性。
Background and purpose: Several studies have indicated that endurance exercise can improve cardiovascular performance, but this has not been observed by conducting resistance exercise. However, the studies regarding the health management of athletes remained limited, particularly in the cardiovascular health. Young athletes often ignore their own health, and some of them would have high blood pressure. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the cardiovascular characteristics during the status of rest and exercise in endurance-type athletes, resistance-type athletes, and their control peers. Our results might provide helpful information for athletes in health management and sports performance. Methods: We recruited 34 male subjects aged from 17 to 22, including endurance-type athletes (n=12), resistance-type athletes (n=12), and the control group (n=10). Endurance-type athletes consisted of long-distance swimmers, resistance-type athletes consisted of weight lifters ranked on the level of 56-77 kg, and the subjects in the control group were healthy men without conducting any exercise training. Heart rate, blood pressure, maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), heart rate variability, and arterial stiffness index (ASI) were measured for all the subjects in the status of rest and exercise, respectively. The collected data were statistically compared among the three groups. Results: After analyzing the basic information, significant differences were found in body fat and bone mineral density between the athlete and control groups (p<0.05). In the resting status, the heart rate was lower in the athlete groups than the control group (p<0.05), but no group difference was found in blood pressure. The ASI in the resistance-type athletes was significantly higher than the other two groups (p<0.05), while mean NN in the endurance-type athletes tended to be higher than the resistance-type athletes. In the status of exercise, endurance-type athletes had a higher VO2max and exercise time to exhaustion than the resistance-type athletes and control group (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that some differences existed in the cardiovascular characteristics between endurance-type and resistance-type athletes.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 1
第三節 研究問題 2
第四節 研究假設 2
第貳章 文獻探討 3
第一節 運動與心血管系統 3
第二節 耐力型運動與阻力型運動 7
第三節 耐力型運動對於心血管的影響 11
第四節 阻力型運動對於心血管的影響 12
第五節 文獻總結 14
第参章 研究方法 15
第一節 研究對象 15
第二節 研究設計 15
第三節 研究器材與步驟 16
第四節 資料處理與統計方法 20
第五節 研究流程 21
第肆章 研究結果 22
第一節 受試者基本資料 22
第二節 最大運動時心跳率、攝氧量、呼吸商、運動耗竭時間 23
第三節 休息時心率變異度參數 23
第四節 休息時心跳、血壓、動脈硬化指數 24
第五節 運動時最大血壓心跳反應 25
第六節 休息時、運動中、運動最大和恢復狀態心跳與血壓 25
第伍章 討論與結論 29
參考文獻 36
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