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英文論文名稱:The effects of Humming warm-up vocal exercise on the wake up voice
英文關鍵字:Hummingwarm-up vocal exercisewake up voicephonation threshold pressureAerodynamic resistanceAerodynamic efficiency
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為了瞭解一般民眾在日常生活中是否可以透過簡單的Humming暖音,使特殊五層結構的聲帶(vocal cord)達到類似骨骼肌的暖身效果達到預防保健之功效。
本研究運用Humming以半阻塞聲道的運動方式(semi-occluded vocal tract exercise)及共鳴發聲運動(resonant voice exerice)的特性,集合可以利用口腔前震動感達到輕鬆發音(easy phonation)及發聲時聲帶大振幅(large-amplitude)、低衝擊(low-impact)的運動之優點,使睡醒後聲帶表皮層及Reinke’s space分泌物黏稠度減少,並達到增加聲帶的靈活度跟柔韌性的暖身作用。
研究方法係使用統計方法雙尾配對樣本t檢定做分析,利用年齡在25-35歲之健康成年人,男性16名,女性19名共35名受試者分別在兩天早上睡醒後兩小時內收集利用Humming及未經Humming暖音之前、後測數據。運用氣流間斷法(airflow interruption method)測得發聲閾值壓力(phonation threshold pressure, PTP),而Phonatory Aerodynamic System(PAS) Model 6600測量最長持續發聲(Maximum sustained phonation)與發聲效能(Voicing efficiency),分別取得基礎頻率( fundamental frequency, F0)、音壓等級(sounds pressure level, SPL)、說話時平均氣流速率(Mean expiratory airflow, MEA)及氣體動力阻力(Aerodynamic resistance, ARES)及氣體動力效率(Aerodynamic efficiency, AEFF)等參數。
研究結果顯示,直接與音聲功能有關的三個參數發聲閾值壓力(phonation threshold pressure, PTP)、氣體動力阻力(Aerodynamic resistance, ARES)及氣體動力效率(Aerodynamic efficiency, AEFF),僅有受試者發聲效率部分,使用Humming暖音前PTP 平均值在0.73kPa,暖音後PTP平均值在0.63kPa,呈現顯著差異(t= 2.93, p= .006< .05),而其他參數無顯著差異。
The effects of warm-up on skeletal muscle can help prevent injuries. In this study, we want to know whether people can protect vocal cord which has unique five-layered structure through the simplest warm-up exercise, humming, and have the same effects as warm-up on skeletal muscle.
In this study, we implemented humming through a combined exercise (semi-occluded vocal tract exercise and resonant voice exercise) to enhance the flexibility and strength of vocal cord. This combined exercise takes the property of easy phonation via anterior oral vibrations, and large-amplitude, low-impact vocal fold oscillations.
We use Two-sample t-test for paired data to analyze.There are 35 subjects in this study, including 16 male and 19 female, and they are all healthy adults aged between 25 and 35. We apply airflow interruption method to measure phonation threshold pressure (PTP); and Phonatory Aerodynamic System (PAS) Model 6600 to measure Maximum sustained phonation and Voicing efficiency which separately obtained the values of sounds pressure level (SPL), fundamental frequency(F0), Mean expiratory airflow (MEA), Aerodynamic resistance (ARES) and Aerodynamic efficiency (AEFF). We collected these values in two consecutive mornings within two hours of waking. In the first day, we collected the values with humming; and second day without humming.
Three parameters are directly related to vocal function-Phonation threshold pressure (PTP), aerodynamic resistance ( ARES) and aerodynamic efficiency (AEFF).Results showed that the measured mean PTP of subjects before warming up by humming is 0.73kPa, and 0.63kPa after warming up, which is significantly different(t= 2.93, p= .006< .05). And there is no significant difference in other parameters.
目 次....................................................v
表 次...................................................ix
圖 次....................................................x
第一章 緒論...............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機......................................2
第二節 研究目的與待答問題...................................4
第二章 文獻探討...........................................8
第一節 暖身運動與暖音運動...................................8
第二節 喉部的解剖生理.....................................14
第三節 發聲機制..........................................16
第四節 睡醒後與Humming音聲................................19
第三章 研究方法...........................................27
第一節 研究架構...........................................27
第二節 研究對象...........................................30
第三節 研究工具...........................................31
参、Humming 暖音程序......................................35
第四節 研究程序........................................ ..37
壹、測量前準備.................................... ........37
貳、施測環境.................................... ..........37
参、施測過程.................................... ..........37
第四章 結果與結論..........................................43
第一節 Humming暖音對睡醒後音聲功能的影響.....................43
貳、氣體動力阻力(Aerodynamic resistance, ARES)、氣體動力效率(Aerodynamic efficiency, AEFF) ........................54
參、基礎頻率(Fundamental frequency, F0)、音壓等級(Sounds pressure level)、說話時平均氣流速率(Mean expiratory airflow, MEA) ................................................55
第二節 睡醒後的音聲表現.....................................52
貳、氣體動力阻力(Aerodynamic resistance, ARES)、氣體動力效率(Aerodynamic efficiency, AEFF)..........................54
參、基礎頻率(Fundamental frequency, F0)、音壓等級(Sounds pressure level)、說話時平均氣流速率(Mean expiratory airflow, MEA) .................................................55
第三節 研究問題之統計結果...................................57
第五章 討論與建議..........................................58
壹、發聲閾值壓力(phonation threshold pressure, PTP).........58
貳、氣體動力阻力(Aerodynamic resistance, ARES)..............60
參、氣體動力效率(Aerodynamic efficiency, AEFF)..............61
壹、發聲閾值壓力(phonation threshold pressure, PTP).........62
貳、基礎頻率(fundamental frequency, F0)....................63
参、音壓等級(sounds pressure level, SPL)...................64
肆、平均氣流速率(Mean expiratory airflow, MEA)..............65
第五節 研究限制與未來研究的建議...............................69
附錄一 Humming 暖音程序....................................88
附錄二 受試者基本說明暨同意書................................90
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