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一、 教育改革時代,國民小學教師工作士氣仍維持在中上程度。
二、 女性國小教師工作士氣比男性國小教師高。
三、 擔任教師兼行政職務的國民小學教師其工作士氣較高。
四、 專科學歷的國民小學教師其工作士氣較高。
五、 任教21年以上的國民小學教師其工作士氣較高。
六、 任教於49-72班學校之國民小學教師工作其工作士氣較高。
七、 國民小學教師認為家長支持是最足以影響教師工作士氣的因素。
八、 國民小學教師認為減輕教師行政負擔及家長的支持是最有助於提昇教師工作士氣的方法。

The main purpose of this study was to realize the status of elementary teacher morale and factors affecting it. The study aimed to explore the status of elementary teacher morale, realize the opinions of elementary teacher on factors affecting teacher morale, and discus the opinions of elementary teacher on matters arising teacher morale.
The study adopts questionnaire and interview methods. The instrument of questionnaire survey was developed by the author. A random sample of 636 teachers from public school in Taipei city. was selected to complete the instrument. There were 434 respondents, or 68.2% of the population. Statistical treatment included descriptive analysis, t-test, and ANOVA. The content of interview was made from the result of questionnaire. Ten elementary teachers accepted the interview.
The following conclusions were supported by the data:
(1) Elementary teacher morale was higher than the average during educational reform;
(2) Female elementary teacher morale was higher than male;
(3) Elementary teacher to serve concurrently as administrators had higher morale;
(4) Elementary teacher graduating from junior college had higher morale;
(5) Elementary teacher teaching more than 21 years had higher morale;
(6) Elementary teacher in 49-72 classes had higher morale;
(7) Elementary teacher thought parental support was the main factor affecting teachers’ morale;
(8) Elementary teacher considered reducing administrative load was the best matter to arise teacher morale.

According to the conclusions of the study, some recommendations were presented to educational administration organizations, elementary schools, and teachers.
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與目的------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 待答問題---------------------------------------------------------------------------5
第三節 名詞詮釋---------------------------------------------------------------------------6
第四節 研究方法與實施流程------------------------------------------------------------7
第五節 研究範圍與限制-----------------------------------------------------------------10

第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------------------13
第一節 教師工作士氣的理論分析---------------------------------------------------13
第二節 影響教師工作士氣的因素---------------------------------------------------27
第三節 提昇教師工作士氣之方法---------------------------------------------------38
第四節 教師工作士氣之相關研究---------------------------------------------------43

第三章 調查研究設計與實施---------------------------------------------------------51
第一節 調查研究架構------------------------------------------------------------------51
第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法---------------------------------------------------------52
第三節 研究工具------------------------------------------------------------------------56
第四節 實施程序------------------------------------------------------------------------61
第五節 資料處理------------------------------------------------------------------------63

第四章 研究結果分析與討論---------------------------------------------------------65
第一節 國民小學教師工作士氣現況之分析---------------------------------------65

第二節 國民小學教師對於影響教師工作士氣因素之意見分析---------------80
第三節 國民小學教師對於提昇教師工作士氣方法之意見分析---------------84
第四節 訪談結果分析------------------------------------------------------------------88
第五節 綜合討論------------------------------------------------------------------------97

第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------------------------111
第一節 結論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------111
第二節 建議-----------------------------------------------------------------------------116


附 錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------133
附錄一 國民小學教師服務情形調查問卷(初稿)----------------------------------133
附錄二 指導教授推薦函(建立專家效度用)----------------------------------------137
附錄三 國民小學教師工作士氣調查問卷(建立專家效度用卷)----------------138
附錄四 國民小學教師服務情形調查問卷(預試問卷)----------------------------145
附錄五 指導教授推薦函(正式問卷用)----------------------------------------------149
附錄六 國民小學教師服務情形調查問卷(正式問卷)----------------------------150
附錄七 訪談題綱------------------------------------------------------------------------154
附錄八 訪談結果逐字稿---------------------------------------------------------------155
壹、 中文部份
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