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英文論文名稱:A Study of American Education Policy:A Case of Education Blueprint: An Economy Built to Last Proposed by President Barack Obama
英文關鍵字:Education Blueprint: An Economic Built to Lasteducational policyeducational reform
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A Study of American Education Policy:A Case of Education Blueprint: An Economy Built to Last Proposed by President Barack Obama


President Obama laid out a blueprint for an economy that’s built to last in 2012. He believed that education was the cornerstone of creating an American economy that is built to last. He proposed the "Education Blueprint: An economy built to last ", and thought that the link between the strength of American education and the strength of American economy was a simple one — ensuring that every student in America that graduates from high school is prepared for college and a successful career. Having a good education is central to rebuilding the American economy and securing a brighter future. The contents mainly discussed the background, strategies, and the results of “Education Blueprint: An Economy Built to Last”. Some suggestions will be proposed for educational reforms in Taiwan.
This Study is mainly based on a semi-structured interview method. The researcher interviewed experts and educational administrators to get more information. According to the analysis and results, there were several conclusions:

1. The background of "Education Blueprint: An economy built to last " is that the strength of the American economy is inextricably linked to the strength of the American educational system.

2. With the K-12 educational reform, every student in America graduates from high school is prepared for college and a successful career, and has access to higher education.

3. Adopted positive and alternative ways to carry out federal policy and show performance.

4. According to the " Education Blueprint: An economic built to last ", it gave us many inspirations, for example, integration of government's overall resources to support the policy of cultivating human resources, use of competitive funds to achieve the goals of educational reform, and emphasis on student learning achievement-
centered educational reform.

Finally, based on the conclusions, the study will come up with specific suggestions for the educational administrator for reference when creating policy.
目 次
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究待答問題 6
第三節 重要名詞釋義 7
第四節 研究方法與步驟 8
第五節 研究範圍與限制 15
第二章 歐巴馬政府教育政策背景分析 17
第一節 美國教育政策之發展與變遷 17
第二節 歐巴馬總統初期教育政策分析 31
第三章 歐巴馬政府教育政策《教育藍圖:經濟永續之路》之內涵 41
第一節 改革中小學(K-12)教育以強化所有學生的大學及就業準備度 41
第二節 高等教育就學與成功:確保美國經濟競爭力 60
第四章 歐巴馬政府教育政策《教育藍圖:經濟永續之路》之評析 85
第一節 教育藍圖:經濟永續之路政策分析 85
第二節 教育藍圖:經濟永續之路訪談結果分析與討論 113
第三節 教育藍圖:經濟永續之路對我國教育改革之啟示 136
第五章 結論與建議 147
第一節 結論 147
第二節 建議 153
參考文獻 163
壹、中文部分 163
貳、英文部分 167
附錄 177
附錄一 訪談大綱 177
附錄二 邁向巔峰審查評分標準 181
附錄三《別讓孩子落後法》彈性架構 185
附錄四 訪談紀錄示例(摘要) 186
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