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英文論文名稱:A Study of Establishment of the Positive Psychological Capital Scale for Educational Organization Staffs
英文關鍵字:positive psychological capitalpositive organizational behaviorscale establishment
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A Study of Establishment of the Positive Psychological Capital Scale for Educational Organization Staffs
The purposes of this study are to establish the positive psychological capital scale for educational organization staffs, to confirm the practical purposes of the positive psychological capital scale for educational organization staffs, and to verify the reliability and validity of the positive psychological capital scale for educational organization staffs.
The method of this study is questionnaire survey, adopted from a questionnaire named ” the Positive Psychological Capital Scale for Educational Organization Staffs”. The survey is completed by 723 public elementary school teachers in Taipei city and New Taipei city , and 697 valid samples are available. The researcher verifies the reliability and validity through item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and Cronbach Alpha analysis. Then the researcher confirms the default model of the Positive Psychological Capital Scale by confirmatory factor analysis. According to these data analysis and the research results, some important conclusions are drawn:
1.There are four dimensions of ” the Positive Psychological Capital Scale for Educational Organization Staffs”, including 9 items of self-efficacy, 9 items of hope, 8 items of optimism, and 8 items of resiliency.
2.The scale has goodness-of-fit with the data.
3.The scale has the practical purposes for educational organization staffs.
4.The scale is highly stable and reliable. Cronbach α of total scale is .982 and Cronbach α of four dimensions all higher than .9.
5. The scale is highly accurate and precise. Construct validity(composite validity) of total scale is .958 and construct validity(composite validity) of four dimensions all higher than .9.
Finally, there are some recommendations to educational authorities, elementary schools, and future studies.

Key words:positive psychological capital, positive organizational behavior, scale establishment
第一章 緒論...........................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的...........................1
第二節 待答問題................................3
第三節 名詞釋義................................4
第四節 研究方法與步驟...........................5
第五節 研究範圍與限制...........................8
第二章 文獻探討.......................................11
第一節 正向心理資本的發展背景...................11
第二節 正向心理資本的主要意涵...................20
第三節 正向心理資本的相關研究...................43
第四節 教育組織人員正向心理資本量表的初步建構.....53
第三章 研究設計與實施..................................59
第一節 研究架構...............................59
第二節 研究對象...............................60
第三節 量表建構的規劃..........................63
第四節 實施程序...............................90
第五節 資料處理與統計方法......................91
第四章 研究結果分析與討論..............................93
第一節 本研究量表的模式驗證....................93
第二節 本研究量表的結果分析................... 114
第三節 本研究量表的應用....................... 123
第四節 綜合討論...............................125
第五章 結論與建議.....................................131
第一節 結論...................................131
第二節 建議...................................134
附錄一 指導教授推薦函(建立專家效度)............151
附錄二 教育組織人員正向心理資本量表(專家效度內容)153
附錄三 教育組織人員正向心理資本量表(專家意見修正表)169
附錄四 預試量表請託函............................177
附錄五 教育組織人員正向心理資本量表(預試).........179
附錄六 正式量表請託函............................185
附錄七 教育組織人員正向心理資本量表(正式施測).....187
附錄八 教育組織人員正向心理資本量表(2013年版).....193
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