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研究生英文姓名:Chou, Kuan-Chih
英文論文名稱:The Development and Experiment of Outdoor Inquiry-Based Mobile Learning Management System with RFID and Hand-held Device
英文關鍵字:ubiquitous learninginquiry-based learningRFIDhand-held deviceherb plant
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The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based ubiquitous learning management system with integrating RFID technology and hand-held device (PDA), and to conduct a ubiquitous learning experiment. This system can be used for mobile navigation, mobile test and inquiry-based outdoor learning activities. In order to design this system, this study adopted the waterfall model and UML to develop the framework and all of system modules. The system consists of the front end subsystem and back end subsystem. The front end subsystem designed by C# offers the whole inquiry-based learning activities outdoors for the learners and the teachers with PDA. On the other hand, the back end subsystem implemented by PHP can be used for the teachers to manage mobile learning activities and to monitor the student’s learning process.
In order to verify the effect of inquiry-based outdoor mobile learning under this system, this study conducted a learning experiment at Taipei city, and the subjects are sixty-seven fifth grade students from four classes. The learning unit in this experiment is the herb plant which is a school-based curriculum in this experimental school. Before experiment, this study employed RFID tag to deploy the context awareness environment at the herb plant garden. The students use PDA to explore the herb plant and to complete the on-line worksheet corporately. The subjects took the herb plant achievement test and learning attitude inventory before and after experiment. After experiment, the participants evaluate the system suitability and learning method by filling the system evaluation questionnaire. This study also employed the teachers of the elementary school to assess the system functions and suitability.
The research results are depicted as follows: (1) The learning achievement effect of medicine effect of the herb plants is significant and posttest score is higher than the pretest. The total score of posttest is significantly higher than the pretest as well. Nevertheless, the learning achievement effect of features of the herb plants is insignificant. (2) The learning attitudes towards the herb plant are enhanced and the post score of learning attitudes is higher than the pretest. (3) The results of system evaluation reveal that the students shows positive appraisal towards the system and mobile learning. The teachers agree that the system can promote the learners’ learning attitudes and it can help the instructor to manage the inquiry-based outdoor learning activities easily.
摘要 I
目次 V
圖目次 VII
表目次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 名詞界定 5
第五節 研究範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 無所不在學習 9
第二節 探索式學習 16
第三節 合作學習 24
第四節 無線射頻辨識技術及應用 30
第五節 系統設計方法 37
第六節 統一模型語言 41
第三章 研究方法 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 探索行動學習管理系統開發 49
第三節 教學實驗 81
第四節 研究工具 84
第四章 系統之教學實驗結果分析與討論 91
第一節 樣本資料分析 91
第二節 「藥草植物」概念成就測驗之檢定分析 92
第三節 學生之學習態度分析 96
第四節 學生使用系統之態度分析 98
第五節 教師使用系統態度之分析 101
第五章 研究結論與建議 107
第一節 研究結論 107
第二節 研究建議 109
參考文獻 111
附錄 119
附錄一 成就評量測驗卷 119
附錄二 學習態度問卷 125
附錄三 探索行動學習管理系統評估問卷(教師) 126
附錄四 探索行動學習管理系統評估問卷(學生) 130
附錄五 依班級進行成就測驗檢定分析 131
附錄六 龍山國小藥草課程目標 135
附錄七 藥草植物之戶外學習活動歷程 136
附錄八 藥草植物之戶外探索學習活動照片 195
附錄九 探索學習模式程式碼 196
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