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研究生英文姓名:Wei-Chen Chen
英文論文名稱:A Study on the Relationship of English Listening Comprehension to Linguistic, Cognitive and Affective Variables among Taiwanese Elementary School Students
英文關鍵字:English listening comprehensionEnglish proficiencyEnglish lexical knowledgeChinese listening abilitymetacognitive awarenesslistening anxietyEnglish learning motivation
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本研究旨在探討以下四個面向。第一、英語聽力理解與語言(英語能力、英語字彙能力)、認知 (中文聽力理解、後設認知能力)和情感變項(英語聽力焦慮、英語學習動機)之關係。第二、語言、認知和情感變項對英語聽力理解的解釋量為何。第三、在排除情感變項的影響之後,認知變項對英語聽力理解的解釋量為何。第四、在排除認知和情感變項的影響之後,語言變項對英語聽力理解的解釋量為何。研究對象為台北市與新北市兩所國小的141位六年級學童,研究工具包含八項測驗及問卷:學生背景問卷、英語聽力測驗、英語能力測驗、中文聽力測驗、英語字彙測驗、後設認知問卷、英語聽力焦慮問卷和英語學習動機問卷。資料分析主要採用皮爾森相關分析和多項多元回歸分析。研究結果顯示:第一、小六學童的英語聽力理解與英語能力呈現最顯著的相關(r = .60, p < .01),其它顯著相關依序為與英語字彙能力(r = .52, p < .01)、中文聽力理解(r = .31, p < .01)、英語聽力焦慮(r = -.20, p < .01)、英語學習動機(r = .18, p < .05)和後設認知能力(r = .16, p < .05)。第二、多元回歸分析結果顯示:語言、認知、情感三個變項能顯著預測小六學童的英語聽力理解,解釋量為百分之三十九。第三、在排除情感變項的影響之後,認知變項能有效解釋小六學童的英語聽力理解,解釋量為百分之九。第四、在排除認知和情感變項的影響之後,語言變項能有效解釋小六學童的英語聽力理解,解釋量為百分之十八。本研究最後提出對英語聽力教學及未來研究的建議。
The purpose of the present study was fourfold: (a) to explore how the three clusters of variables — linguistic (general English proficiency, English vocabulary knowledge), cognitive variables (Chinese listening ability, metacognitive awareness), and affective (English listening anxiety, language learning motivation) — related to English listening comprehension, (b) to investigate the overall contribution of the three clusters of variables to English listening comprehension, (c) to find out to what extent the cognitive variables add to the prediction of English listening comprehension after the affective variables had been accounted for, and (d) to find out to what extent the linguistic variables add to the prediction of English listening comprehension over and above the prediction accounted for by the cognitive and affective variables. The participants of the present study were 141 sixth graders from two schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City. The instruments used in this study were: (1) a background questionnaire, (2) an English listening comprehension test, (3) an English proficiency test, (4) a Chinese listening comprehension test, (5) an English vocabulary test, (6) a metacognitive awareness questionnaire, (7) an FL listening anxiety scale, and (8) a motivation questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed mainly through Pearson product-moment correlations and various types of multiple regression analysis procedures. The major findings were summarized as follows. First, English listening comprehension had the strongest correlation with general English proficiency (r = .60, p < .01), followed by its correlation with English vocabulary knowledge (r = .52, p < .01), Chinese listening ability (r = .31, p < .01), English listening anxiety (r = -.20, p < .01), English learning motivation (r = .18, p < .05), and metacognitive awareness (r = .16, p < .05). Second, the three clusters of variables together significantly contributed to English listening comprehension (R2 = .39, F(6, 134) = 14.15, p < .001). Third, the cognitive variables significantly provided an additional explained variance (R2change = .09, Fchange(2,136) = 7.76, p < .01) in English listening performance after the affective variables had been accounted for. Finally, the linguistic variables also significantly provided an additional explained variance (R2change = .18, Fchange(2,134) = 19.44, p < .001) in English listening performance over and beyond the prediction afforded by the affective and cognitive variables. Based on the findings of the present study, some implications and recommendations for future research were also provided.

Research Questions………………………………………….……...……………....6
Significance of the Present Study…………………………….…..…………….…...7
Definition of Terms………………………………………….……...……………....8
Listening Comprehension………………………………………..…………...…....11
Process of listening comprehension……………………..……………..……….12
Components of listening comprehension…………………..………………...…13
Factors Related to Listening Comprehension………………..……………………15
The relationship between general L2/FL proficiency and L2/FL listening
The relationship between L2/FL lexical knowledge and L2/FL listening
The relationship between L1 listening comprehension ability and L2/FL
listening comprehension…………….………………………………………….21
Metacognitive knowledge…………….……………………………..….….…23
Metacognitive strategies…………….………………………………….……27
The relationship between metacognitive awareness and L2/FL listening
Foreign language anxiety…………………………………………….…….…...30
Foreign language listening anxiety………………………………….….……31
The relationship between L2/FL listening anxiety and L2/FL listening
Language learning motivation……………………………………….…….……34
Social-educational model………………………………………….….…..….34
Self-determination theory………………………………………………....….35
The relationship between motivation and L2/FL listening
Summary of Literature Review……………………………….…...……….……...37
Data Analysis……………………………………………………………….……..48
CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS……………………………..……………51
Relationship of L2/FL listening comprehension to general L2/FL proficiency, L2/FL lexical knowledge, L1 listening ability, metacognitive awareness, language learning motivation, and FL listening anxiety…..……..…………..…51
Contributions of general L2/FL proficiency, L2/FL lexical knowledge, L1 listening ability, metacognitive awareness, language learning motivation, and FL listening anxiety to L2/FL listening comprehension………………………….….…...…..54
Relative Contributions of the Cognitive Variables to L2/FL Listening Comprehension……………………………………………………………….....56
Relative Contributions of the Linguistic Variables to L2/FL Listening Comprehension………………………………………………………………….58
Summary of Results……………………………………………………………….61
CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION………………………..……………...65
General English proficiency………………………………………………...…65
English vocabulary knowledge…………………….………………………….66
Chinese (L1) listening comprehension ability…………………………………67
Metacognitive awareness………………………………...……………………69
English listening anxiety………………………………………………………70
English learning motivation…………………………………………………...71
Theoretical Implications……………………………………………………….…..73
Practical Implications………………………………………………………….…..74
Limitations of the Study……………………………………………………….…..76
Directions for Future Research………………………………………………….…77
Appendix A....……………………………………………...................………..….79
Appendix B....……………………………………………...................………..….80
Appendix C....……………………………………………...................………..….84
Appendix D....……………………………..……………...................………..….105
Appendix E....……………………………………………...................………..…107
Appendix F....……………………………………………...................………..…132
Appendix G....……………………………………………...................………..…135
Appendix H....……………………………...……………...................………..…138


Table 1 Summary of the above taxonomies…………………………………………..16
Table 2 Goh’s metacognitive knowledge in L2 listerning……………………………24
Table 3 Vandergrift’s metacognitive listening comprehension strategies…………...28
Table 4 Characteristics of two listening comprehension passages…………………..42
Table 5 The subscales of the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire…...45
Table 6 The subscales of the Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale…………...46
Table 7 The subscales of the Language Learning Orientation Scale……………...…48
Table 8 Summary of Descriptive Statistics (N = 141)………………………………..52
Table 9 Correlation Matrix (N = 141)……………………………………….............53
Table 10 Results of Simultaneous Multiple Regression of English Listening Comprehension on General English Proficiency, English Vocabulary Knowledge, Chinese Listening Comprehension, Metacognitive Awareness, English Listening Anxiety and Language Learning Motivation……….....…55
Table 11 Results of the First Hierarchical Multiple Regression of English Listening Comprehension on General English Proficiency, English Vocabulary Knowledge, Chinese Listening Comprehension, Metacognitive Awareness, English Listening Anxiety and Language Learning Motivation……….....…..57
Table 12 Results of the Second Hierarchical Multiple Regression of English Listening Comprehension on General English Proficiency, English Vocabulary Knowledge, Chinese Listening Comprehension, Metacognitive Awareness, English Listening Anxiety and Language Learning Motivation……….....…..59
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