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英文論文名稱:A Survey Study of Anxiety for Music Teaching and Assessing Activities of Elementary School Students
英文關鍵字:trait anxietystate anxietymusic teaching activitymusic assessing activity
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本研究旨在瞭解國小學童於各類課堂音樂教學及評量活動中產生之情境焦慮情形,並以Spielberger提出的「特質-情境焦慮理論」(trait-state theory of anxiety)為基礎,探討不同特質焦慮傾向學童在各類課堂音樂教學及評量活動中產生之情境焦慮差異。
本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編之研究工具「音樂與我」進行調查,內容第一部分為「音樂學習問卷」,以李克特三點式量表調查學童之情境焦慮,並以「無法回答」提供未曾進行過之教學與評量項目選項;第二部份為「自我感受問卷」,以李克特三點式量表調查學童之特質焦慮。研究對象為臺北市與新北市國小五、六年級普通班學童,以「分層隨機」抽樣發出858份正式問卷, 有效問卷為796份,總回收率為93%。
This study aimed to investigate the anxiety status of elementary school students in various music teaching and assessing activities. Based upon Spielberger’s trait-state theory of anxiety, the differences in state anxiety for students of various trait levels were also studied.
A survey study was conducted using a self-developed research instrument, the questionnaire “Music and I.” This questionnaire consisted of two parts: (1) the Music Learning section involved three-point Likert type questions regarding subjects’ state anxiety with the option of “unable to answer’ offered in cases when subjects failed to recall having received any of the asked activites; (2) the Self Preception section dealt with subjects’ trait anxiety with three-point Liket type scale. The subjects were targeted at fifth-grade and sixth-grade elementary school students in Taipei City and New Taipei City. Among 858 questionnaires sent using the stratified randm sampling method, a returen rate of 93% was obtained with 796 valid responses.
Based upon the research goals and methodology, data were analized with the statistics of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard distribution, one-way ANOVA. The conclusions were drawn as follows:
1. The trait anxiety in classroom music assessing activities was generally higher than that in classroom music teaching activities.
(1) The trait anxiety resulted from the music teaching activities of singing and creating was “somewhat anxious,” while the trait anxiety reslted from music teaching activities of aural skills, music reading, performing and music appreciation/music knowledge was “never anxious.”
(2) The trait anxiety resulted from music assessing activities of aurall skills, music reading, singing, performing, creating and music appreciation/music knowledge was all “somewhat anxious.”
2. Significant differences were found for students of various trait anxiety levels in all kinds of classroom music teaching and assessing acitivites.
(1) The students of high trait anxiety reported feeling “somewhat anxious” in the classroom music teaching as well as assessing activities of aural skills, music reading, singing, performing and creating as well as in the classroom music assessing activity of music appreciation/music knowledge. They reported being “never anxious” only in the music teaching activity of music appreciation/music knowledge.
(2) The students of medium trait anxiety reported feeling “somewhat anxious” in all classroom music assessing activities, and reported being “never anxious” in all classroom music teaching activities.
(3) The students of low trait anxiety reported feeling “never anxious” in all classroom music teaching and assessing activities.
(4) The differences for students of high, medium and low trait anxiety in all classroom music teaching and assessing activites reached the level of significance.
Suggestions were then proposed for music teahchers and future research based upon the study findings.
摘要 i
目次 iv
表次 v
圖次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制 5
第五節 名詞釋義 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 音樂教學與評量理念基礎 9
第二節 焦慮定義、量表與相關研究 34
第三節 音樂活動和表演之焦慮理論基礎與相關研究 41
第三章 研究設計與實施 51
第一節 研究設計與架構 51
第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法 52
第三節 研究工具 55
第四節 研究流程 60
第五節 資料分析方法 62
第四章 研究結果與討論 63
第一節 各類課堂音樂教學活動產生之情境焦慮分析 63
第二節 各類課堂音樂評量活動產生之情境焦慮分析 75
第三節 不同特質焦慮傾向學童在各類課堂音樂教學與評量活動中之情境
焦慮分析 90
第四節 不同特質焦慮傾向學童在各類課堂音樂教學與評量活動中之情境
焦慮差異分析 97
第五章 結論與建議 103
第一節 結論 103
第二節 建議 105
參考文獻 109
附錄 115
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