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英文論文名稱:A Case Study on Inference Instruction of Personal Pronoun for Third Grade Students with Reading Difficulties
英文關鍵字:Inference Instruction of Personal Pronounstudent with reading difficultiespronoun inference
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Reading ability is not only an important ability in the life, but also a source of knowledge. But not every student can have the good reading ability, the student with reading difficulties is one of them. One type of students have normal intelligence and literacy ability, but have difficulty in reading comprehension. Several studies have shown that their Pronoun Inference ability is weaker than the average students to find the correct antecedent for the anaphoric term. The researches for teaching pronoun inference are more targeted to general students, but not to students with reading difficulties.
Therefore, “Inference Instruction of Personal Pronoun” is for students with reading difficulties. And it is to understand the intervention effectiveness and for some information.
Subjects of the study are three third grade students with reading difficulties. Teaching objectives are divided into singular pronoun (you/ I/ he /she/ it /your / my /his), plural pronouns (you/ we/ they), pronouns (every one, yourself). The number of pronoun, quantities of competitors, the distance between pronoun and antecedent are controled in text. “Inference Instruction of Personal Pronoun” was all over in eight weeks. Before and after teaching, students were evaluating with “Elementary Reading Comprehension Test (third grade)” and “self pronouns inference test” to understand student’s pronoun concepts, the advancement of finding the correct antecedent for pronoun, and made teaching suggestions after the actual teaching.
After the participants accepting “ Inference Instruction of Personal Pronoun”, their performance had improved in understand personal pronoun concepts, and the ability of personal pronoun inference. The advancement of personal pronoun inference is the correct of finding correct antecedent for pronoun, and the influence of the number of pronoun, quantities of competitors, the distance between pronoun and antecedent are weaker. In this study, “Inference Instruction of Personal Pronoun” is helpful to students with reading difficulties to understand pronoun concepts and inference. But due to their individual differences, two students can proceed smoothly in accordance with teaching objectives, and one student can complete singular pronoun. In “Inference Instruction of Personal Pronoun”, the lesson progress should adjust by subject’s ability.
摘 要.....................................................i
目 次.................................................... v
表 次................................................... vii
圖 次.................................................... xi
第一章 緒論..............................................1
第一節 研究動機與背景................................1
第二節 研究目的與問題................................3
第三節 名詞釋義......................................4
第二章 文獻探討..........................................7
第一節 閱讀理解與閱讀理解困難........................7
第二節 代詞與閱讀理解.............................. 13
第三節 代詞教學.....................................22
第三章 研究方法.........................................31
第一節 研究流程.....................................31
第二節 研究對象.....................................34
第三節 研究工具.....................................40
第四節 教學設計.....................................49
第四章 結果與討論.......................................57
第一節 受試者在「國小閱讀理解測驗(三年級)」人稱代詞相
第二節 受試者在「自編人稱代詞測驗」前後測的表現與結果.61
第三節 進行「人稱代詞推論教學」的教學介入過程、個案
第四節 綜合討論....................................114
第五章 結論與建議......................................117
第一節 結論........................................117
第二節 教學與未來研究建議..........................117
第三節 研究限制....................................120
附錄一 「人稱代詞推論教學」同意書..................129
附錄二 自編人稱代詞測驗之題目、內容分析及個案前後測
附錄三 活動設計....................................143
附錄四 學習單(1-1-1)範例...........................165
附錄五 自編人稱代詞測驗(一)範例....................166
附錄六 人稱代詞推論教學教材........................167
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